What Is a Magnet?
Learn about how Magnets work on MAGNETIQ

A Magnet is a digital experience built on MAGNETIQ. Your customers can claim or purchase these Magnets to unlock unique experiences. What you choose to build with our diverse tooling is up to you. Users collect Magnets and present them digitally on their Fridge.


What Is a Magnet?

Draft a release just like you would any other. For instructions on how to do this, reference the “Launching A Magnet” article.

Review the release details on the dashboard. If you want to make any changes, click the three dots in the “Actions” column and choose “Edit Release”. Make any changes to the fields and save another draft.



Now we will make this release a "Private Release". Click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Private Release”.


If you are ready to launch, click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Publish Release”. You’ll be prompted to confirm one last time. Once done, you’re launched!


Building Your Magnet

Our tooling helps you curate customized brand experiences. Through the application suite, you’ll have access to create gated content, provide promotions, facilitate merchandise, survey your customers, prompt social sharing and much more.

We give you the ability to preload your Magnets, activate them in real time, or schedule them into the future.


The Customer Experience

Upon acquiring their Magnet, your customer will experience everything you’ve built into the experience. Maybe it's a series of educational videos about your product with a meaningful discount at the end of the series.

Perhaps your Magnet represents membership into a community and you use the experience as a clubhouse for your members. A place to notify them about upcoming events and facilitate conversation.

Your customers will have full access to everything you’ve built when they’re on the MAGNETIQ platform. In addition to having access to the perks of your brand, these users can also begin to collect Magnets on their user profile, what we affectionately call their “Fridge”.

This provides a sense of ownership and pride and gives them something they can show off to their family and friends.


Selling Your Magnets

You have multiple ways to issue Magnets. The two most common are a free claim and for purchase. MAGNETIQ is Stripe enabled, and you will have to connect a stripe account before launching your first Magnet.

This enables us to send the money directly to your bank account in the event you do decide to charge for access.