Brand Creation
Learn how to launch your Brand on MAGNETIQ

When you join MAGNETIQ, you will be creating a Brand on the platform. This post will give you step by step instructions on how to launch your brand and get you one step closer to launching digital experiences!

Create a User Account

Draft a release just like you would any other. For instructions on how to do this, reference the “Launching A Magnet” article.

Review the release details on the dashboard. If you want to make any changes, click the three dots in the “Actions” column and choose “Edit Release”. Make any changes to the fields and save another draft.



Now we will make this release a "Private Release". Click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Private Release”.


If you are ready to launch, click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Publish Release”. You’ll be prompted to confirm one last time. Once done, you’re launched!


Enter the “Create Your Brand” Flow

Once you’ve signed up, on your left sidebar click the “Brand Signup” button. This will redirect you to a set of screens where you can enter your basic information.


Create Your Brand

Once you start the onboarding flow, you will be prompted to provide information about your business. There are three screens detailed below:

Brand Details - 

  • Brand Name - The name of your brand as you want it displayed on MAGNETIQ
  • About - Short description of what your business is all about


Location Details - 

  • Country
  • State
  • City
  • Zip Code


Profile Details - 

  • Logo Image - 500 x 500 px
  • Cover Image - 500 x 1500 px
  • Website (required)
  • Other Social Links
Submission and Approval

Once you’ve submitted the onboarding form, you’ll be prompted that our team is reviewing your brand application. Once they have approved (it may take a few minutes), you’ll get an email notification that you can now access MAGNETIQ’s tooling and you’re off to the races!