Magnet Creation
Learn how to create a Magnet.

Now that you’ve established your Brand, you can now start creating your experiences in the form of Magnets. This walkthrough will provide you the steps to create a “Public Magnet”, or a Magnet that anyone can claim or purchase without restriction.

Enter the “Create Magnet” Flow

Draft a release just like you would any other. For instructions on how to do this, reference the “Launching A Magnet” article.

Review the release details on the dashboard. If you want to make any changes, click the three dots in the “Actions” column and choose “Edit Release”. Make any changes to the fields and save another draft.



Now we will make this release a "Private Release". Click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Private Release”.


If you are ready to launch, click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Publish Release”. You’ll be prompted to confirm one last time. Once done, you’re launched!


Create Your Magnet

Once you start the creation flow, you will be prompted to provide information about the Magnet. There are two screens detailed below:

Creation Details - 

  • Magnet Image - How the image will be showcased publicly. It can be GIF or image. Must be 500x500 px.
  • Name - What will this experience be called?
  • Supply - How many of these Magnets will you be producing? Think of this like how many access passes or tickets will you be making?



Magnet Details - 

  • Description - Provide a description of what your experience is.
  • Magnet Benefits - Provide details on what people can expect to get from your experience. Provide a 500x500 px photo, title and description. You can create up to 6.


Finalize and Publish

Once you’ve provided all of the information above, you can click the yellow “Create Magnet Button.

This will create a draft of your Magnet. But to finalize, there is one last step. Click into the Magnet gallery item on your “Brand Dashboard”. You’ll be taken to the “Overview” tab. Take one last look at what you’ve created. 



If you want to edit anything before publishing, click the “Edit Magnet” button in the top right and make any changes.

When you are prepared to finalize, click the “Publish” button on the “Overview” tab. Now you’re ready to launch your Magnet to your customers and start activating your experience.
