Email-Gated Magnets
Learn how to create an email-gated Magnet.

Sometimes you only want a qualified list people to be eligible to join your Magnet experiences. This walkthrough will provide you the steps to create a Magnet tied to a controlled email list of participants. We call them “Permissioned Magnets”.

Enter the “Create Magnet” Flow

Draft a release just like you would any other. For instructions on how to do this, reference the “Launching A Magnet” article.

Review the release details on the dashboard. If you want to make any changes, click the three dots in the “Actions” column and choose “Edit Release”. Make any changes to the fields and save another draft.



Now we will make this release a "Private Release". Click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Private Release”.


If you are ready to launch, click the same three dots in the “Actions” column and select “Publish Release”. You’ll be prompted to confirm one last time. Once done, you’re launched!


Create Your Gated Magnet

Once you start the creation flow, you will be prompted to provide information about the Magnet. The process is the same as a Public Magnet with the following additions:

Creation Details -

  • Add Member’s List - Download the sample CSV and re-upload it with your target emails. You must have at least one.
  • Conditions for Membership - Use this section to write down how people can get on the list for this Magnet, whether its filling out a form, buying a product or something else.


Finalize and Publish

Once you’ve provided all of the information above, you can click the yellow “Create Magnet Button.

This will create a draft of your Magnet. But to finalize, there is one last step. Click into the Magnet gallery item on your “Brand Dashboard”. You’ll be taken to the “Overview” tab. Take one last look at what you’ve created. 



If you want to edit anything before publishing, click the “Edit Magnet” button in the top right and make any changes you deem fit.

When you are prepared to finalize, click the “Publish” button on the “Overview” tab. Now you’re ready to launch your Magnet to your customers and start activating your experience.


Manage Your Members

For Permissioned Magnets, there is an extra tab for managing your email list. This tab is called “Exclusive Members”. You’ll be able to individually activate and deactivate emails from the list by toggling and saving.



To add members to the list, you manually enter them one by one, or bulk upload in the form of CSV. The only users who can own this experience and receive any future benefits are those on the “Exclusive Members” list.
